Netherlands the Labour Law Changes: Health and Safety Update

On July 1, 2017, in the Netherlands the labour law changes…

On July 1, 2017, in the Netherlands the labour law changes. And with that the conditions for health, safety and prevention.

Working conditions form an important factor in the employment relationship. Employers and employees can therefore benefit from clear agreements. At this moment there is a huge diversity of contracts between the health and safety services, company doctors and employers, which might result in insufficient care. To combat this situation, the government introduces the basic contract.

Stappenplan Arbozorg

The government will also launch the «Stappenplan Arbozorg». This plan should result in a decent execution of the health and safety scheme within the company. Not only the employer, but also the employment counsel or the staff representation and external health and safety service will have a role in this plan.

Do you wonder what consequences the new legislation will have for your organization? On June 13, 2017 the  Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment presented the digital toolkit «The changes in the Labour Law», where you can find factsheets, documents and animations on the changes in the legislation.

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