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Highly Skilled Migrant – Immigration Lawyer

The knowledge migrant scheme within the Dutch alien’s policy makes it possible for companies to attract knowledge migrants relatively quickly and easily. Highly qualified employees from countries outside the European Union can work in the Netherlands in for example a senior management position or as a specialist under favourable conditions of the scheme. However, both the knowledge migrant and the employer must meet a number of conditions.

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Highly skilled migrant conditions

Are you a knowledge migrant and do you want to contribute to the Dutch knowledge economy? If so, you will first need a residence permit. Before a residence permit is granted, you must have an employment agreement with an employer or research institute in the Netherlands that has been designated by the IND as a recognised sponsor and is included in the public register of recognised sponsors. You must also earn sufficient income and you must have agreed on a salary in line with the market with your employer.

Aylin Acar

Aylin Acar


Our immigration lawyers are ready for you

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Applying for a residence permit

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Labout migration

Do you want to work and live in the Netherlands? We can arrange the entire application process.

Do you want a foreign employee to work legally in the Netherlands? Get in contact.

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In addition, a number of (additional) conditions apply to you as a highly skilled migrant. What conditions exactly depends on your personal situation. At Law & More, the immigration lawyers have a fast and personal approach. They will be happy to help you with your application. Before proceeding with the application, our specialists will provide you with all the necessary information so that you will not be faced with any surprises.

Not only you, but also the company where you are going to work has to meet certain conditions. Are you a company that wants to hire a highly skilled migrant? In that case, you must first of all be recognised by the IND as a sponsor. Reliability and continuity of your company are important. Is your company recognised as a sponsor? In that case, your company must comply with the following obligations: the duty of administration, the duty to provide information and the duty of care. Does your company fail to do so? If so, this may lead to the withdrawal of recognition as a sponsor.

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Our Immigration lawyers are ready to assist you:

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Request knowledge migrant

Has a residence permit been granted to you? If so, the period of validity of your residence permit will be equal to the period of your employment contract with a maximum of 5 years. The permit can be extended indefinitely.

During the period of validity of your residence permit, you can change employer as a highly skilled migrant and join another company that is recognised by the IND as a sponsor. Both the old and the new employer must report your job change to the IND within four weeks.

Do you become unemployed as a highly skilled migrant? In that case, you are entitled to a search period of three months from the day after your employment is terminated. If you are unable to join another employer (sponsor) as a highly skilled migrant within the search period, the IND will revoke your permit.

European Blue Card

Highly Skilled Migrant

As of June 2011, a highly skilled migrant will be able to apply for the EU Blue Card (EU Blue Card) in addition to the required residence permit. The EU Blue Card is a combined residence and work permit for highly-skilled migrants who do not have the nationality of one of the Member States of the European Union.

The European Blue Card offers the highly skilled migrant a number of advantages. First of all, the employer of the highly skilled migrant does not have to be recognised by the IND as a sponsor. In addition, as a highly skilled migrant, who also holds a European Blue Card, you can work in another Member State after having worked in the Netherlands for 18 months, provided that you meet the conditions in that Member State.

In order to be eligible for the European Blue Card, you must meet stricter conditions than for a residence permit as a highly skilled migrant. For example, you must have an employment contract for 12 months or more, have completed at least a 3 year bachelor’s programme in higher education (hbo) and obtain at least the wage threshold of the Blue Card per month.

Our team of immigration law lawyers will guide you and submit an application for you to the IND. Would you like this or do you have other questions and would you like advice? Please contact Law & More. We will be happy to help you.

Law & More Attorneys Eindhoven
Marconilaan 13, 5612 HM Eindhoven, Netherlands

Law & More Attorneys Amsterdam
Pietersbergweg 291, 1105 BM Amsterdam, Netherlands

Do you want to know what Law & More can do for you as a law firm in Eindhoven and Amsterdam?
Then contact us by phone +31 40 369 06 80 or send an e-mail to:
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mr. Ruby van Kersbergen, advocate at & More –

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