Divorce in the Netherlands: New Pension Division Proposal

Divide pension when divorces

Simplifying Pension Division After Divorce in the Netherlands

Government wants to automatically divide pension when it comes to divorces. The Dutch government wants to arrange that partners who are getting a divorce automatically get the right to receive half of each other’s pension. Dutch minister Wouter Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment wants to discuss a proposal in the Second Chamber in mid 2019. In the coming period the minister is going to work out the proposal in more detail together with market participants such as the pension business, he wrote in a letter to the Second Chamber.

In the current set up partners have two years to claim their part of the pension

If they do not claim the part of the pension within two years, they will have to arrange this with their ex-partner.

‘’A divorce is a difficult situation in which you have a lot on your mind and pension is a complicated topic. The division can become and should become less difficult. The purpose is to better protect vulnerable partners’’, the minister said.


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