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Applying for Divorce Lawyers

Do you want to apply for a divorce? Then you need a lawyer for the legal settlement of your divorce. Law & More is ready to assist you.

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As soon as you and your partner divorce, important questions arise.

  • What matters are involved in a divorce?
  • Who will continue to live at home and who will leave the house or will the house be sold?
  • How is the care for your child(ren) arranged?
  • What is agreed on concerning the payment of child and partner alimony?
  • And what agreements do you make about the distribution of your possessions?

Do you need legal assistance with the settlement of your divorce, the drafting of a divorce agreement and a parenting plan? Law & More will help you to complete your divorce. Our lawyers have specialist knowledge in the field of family law. We will assist you if you wish to apply for a divorce or if you and your partner wish to arrange the divorce by mutual agreement.

Aylin Acar

Aylin Acar


In need of a divorce lawyer?

Every business is unique. That’s why you will receive legal advice that is directly relevant to your business.

A divorce is difficult period. We assist you through the entire process.

We sit down with you to devise a strategy.

Live separately

Live separately

Our corporate lawyers can assess agreements and give advice on them.

Are you about to get divorced?

If so, there will undoubtedly be many issues facing you. From arranging spousal and child support to non-financial matters such as creating a custody plan, divorce can have a significant impact both emotionally and legally.

To prepare you, we have compiled information on issues involved in settling a divorce in our new white paper. Download the file below for free and gain insights to help you navigate the divorce process smoothly.

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are involved and can empathize
with the client’s problem”

Divorce in mutual consultation

If you and your partner are able to consult each other and reach agreements together, we will assist you and your partner in making clear agreements during meetings at our office. After agreements have been made about the divorce, we ensure that these are accurately recorded in a divorce agreement and a possible parenting plan. Once the divorce agreement has been drawn up and signed by you and your partner, the divorce proceedings can often be completed quickly.

Unilateral divorce

Unfortunately, the tension between ex-partners is sometimes too high, so that it is no longer realistic to hold mutual consultations and reach joint agreements. Then you can come to us for the professional help of a divorce lawyer who will negotiate all legal aspects for you. We aim to achieve the best possible result for you. In doing so, we carefully consider each legal aspect.

The divorce covenant and the parenting plan form the basis for your future and the future of your child(ren). That is why it is very important to think about the content of these documents together with a Law & More lawyer. This way you can be sure that all agreements will be put down on paper in a legally correct manner.

What clients say about us

Our Divorce lawyers are ready to assist you:

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Divorce agreement

A divorce agreement, what does that mean? A divorce agreement is a written agreement between you and your partner. The covenant contains all the agreements about, among other things, partner alimony, the distribution of household effects, the marital home, the pension and the distribution of savings. .

Parenting plan

Do you have minor children? If so, it is compulsory to draw up a parenting plan. The divorce covenant and the parenting plan are both part of the petition to apply for a divorce. In a parenting plan, agreements are made about the living situation of the children, distribution of holidays, agreements with regard to upbringing and visiting arrangements. We will help you to make and record the agreements. We also make a child alimony calculation.

Applying for a divorceThe following components are mandatory:

  • a division of all care and upbringing tasks;
  • agreements concerning the way in which you inform each other about the children;
  • the amount and period of the alimony that you or your partner will pay for the upbringing of the children;
  • agreements about who pays special costs, such as camping weekends at the sports club.

In addition to the compulsory components, it is wise to make agreements about subjects that you and your partner find important. You can think of the following agreements:

  • agreements about school choice, medical treatment and savings accounts;
  • rules, for example about bed times and punishment;
  • contact with family, such as grandparents, grandmothers, uncles and aunts.

Divorce with children

Applying for a divorce not only has a major impact on the lives of you and your partner, but also on those of your child(ren). A divorce will result in your partner becoming your ex-partner. However, this does not mean that your ex-partner will also become an ex-parent. Working with your ex-partner during and after a divorce requires a lot of effort. Nevertheless, cooperating parents are very important for the well-being of children.

No contact or deteriorated contact with one of the parents can have serious negative consequences for a child. Whether you have young or older children, it is important that their interests are taken into account in the divorce process..

To ensure that your children suffer as little as possible from the divorce, it is important to make clear agreements. We give you legal advice and negotiate on your behalf.

Law & More Attorneys Eindhoven
Marconilaan 13, 5612 HM Eindhoven, Netherlands

Law & More Attorneys Amsterdam
Pietersbergweg 291, 1105 BM Amsterdam, Netherlands

Do you want to know what Law & More can do for you as a law firm in Eindhoven and Amsterdam?
Then contact us by phone +31 40 369 06 80 or send an e-mail to:
mr. Tom Meevis, advocate at Law & More –
mr. Ruby van Kersbergen, advocate at & More –

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