Checked Clear.

Checked Personal and easily accessible.

Checked Your interests first.

Easily accessible

Easily accessible

Law & More is available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 22:00 and on weekends from 09:00 to 17:00

Good and fast communication

Good and fast communication

Our lawyers listen to your case and come up with an appropriate plan of action
Good and fast communication

Personal approach

Our working method ensures that 100% of our clients recommend us and that we are rated on average with a 9.4

Cooperation Agreements

Every entrepreneur or private individual has to deal with the establishment of a cooperation agreement. The content of the agreement must be carefully determined. Drawing up an agreement is therefore a task for specialists. After all, in practice it often happens that not all details are carefully thought through. A standard cooperation agreement is easy to find and to download online. Such a standard agreement seems a cheap and quick solution, but it is not. Despite good intentions and agreement beforehand, there often appear to be clauses in such a contract that are unclear or open to multiple interpretations afterwards.

It is therefore essential to seek advice from a specialised cooperation agreement lawyer. It will prevent ambiguities and costly procedures in the future. We can advise you during your negotiations and, if you wish, also represent you. Are you interested in advice? Then please contact us.

Cooperation contract

The interpretation of a cooperation contract, the question whether a contract has been properly fulfilled and the consequences of the defective fulfilment of a contract are daily subjects. A cooperation contract is one of the specialties of Law & More.

Do you need assistance in drawing up a cooperation contract? Are the agreements not fulfilled and do you want to end the cooperation? Or do you have a dispute as a result of an agreement? These are questions that our cooperation contract lawyers will be happy to help you with. We have all the necessary knowledge to provide you with the best possible solution.

Tom Meevis image

Tom Meevis


Law firm in Eindhoven and Amsterdam

Corporate lawyer

“Law & More lawyers
are involved and can empathize
with the client’s problem”

Topics handled by Law & More’s lawyers include:

  • drafting and assessing permanent and temporary contracts;
  • the termination of contracts (termination, dissolution, annulment);
  • putting the other party in default in the event of non-compliance with a cooperation agreement;
  • dealing with disputes arising from an agreement;
  • negotiating the content of a cooperation contract.

Law & More is an international company regarding the scope and nature of its services. This means that in addition to national cooperation agreements, our focus is also on international agreements. International agreements require extra attention regarding the applicable laws and regulations and the correct translation of legal terms. We are also active for start-up’s by helping them with a successful launch.

What clients say about us

Our lawyers are ready to assist you:

Office Law & More

Drafting a cooperation agreement

As specialists in the field of cooperation agreements, we are called in to draft or monitor many different types of agreements. Below you will find a few examples:

  • employment contracts;
  • general terms and conditions;
  • shareholder agreements;
  • rental and leasing agreements;
  • money loan agreements;
  • building contracts;
  • purchase and sale agreements;
  • consignment agreements;
  • agency contracts;
  • non-disclosure agreements;
  • takeover contracts;
  • fixing agreements;
  • distribution agreements.

If you hire Law & More to draw up a cooperation agreement, we will talk to you to find out what your wishes are. Then we will investigate the possibilities and prepare an agreement for you with care.

We are used to work quickly and precisely and you do not have to wait long for answers of your questions. Do you need help in drawing up a cooperation agreement? Fill in the contact form of Law & More.

Do you want to know what Law & More can do for you as a law firm in Eindhoven and Amsterdam?
Then contact us by phone +31 40 369 06 80 or send an e-mail to:
mr. Tom Meevis, advocate at Law & More –
mr. Ruby van Kersbergen, advocate at & More –

Law & More