Checked Clear.

Checked Personal and easily accessible.

Checked Your interests first.

Easily accessible

Easily accessible

Law & More is available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 22:00 and on weekends from 09:00 to 17:00

Good and fast communication

Good and fast communication

Our lawyers listen to your case and come up with an appropriate plan of action
Personal approach

Personal approach

Our working method ensures that 100% of our clients recommend us and that we are rated on average with a 9.4

Eurasia & CIS Desk

Law & More also possesses knowledge about the Eurasian market and the mentalities of the different countries within Eurasia. Eurasia is the term for the geographical area that consists of Europe and Asia. We have been assisting many clients from the Eurasian area. These clients are mostly originating from Russia and the CIS. We combine the knowledge of these markets with our expertise of the different Dutch and international jurisdictions. Through this unique combination we are able to provide the full service to Eurasian businesses and individuals.

Businesses and individuals deriving from Russia, Ukraine and the CIS who are active within the Netherlands can count on our assistance containing legal and fiscal advise. We possess the expertise to advise about mergers and acquisitions, real estate transactions and fiscal and corporate structuring of the business.

If you have the intention to operate on the Dutch- or Benelux market we can provide you with legal assistance likewise. Law & More can support you when making several types of agreements or can determine which corporate founding structure is most suitable for you. With every aspect in the process of the establishment of the business in the Netherlands you can count on the legal assistance of Law & More.

Tom Meevis image

Tom Meevis


“Law & More lawyers
are involved and can empathize
with the client’s problem”

No-nonsense mentality

We like creative thinking and look beyond the legal aspects of a situation. It is all about getting to the core of the problem and tackling it in a determined matter. Because of our no-nonsense mentality and years of experience our clients can count on personal and efficient legal support.

What clients say about us

Our Eurasia & CIS Desk lawyers are ready to assist you:

Office Law & More

Law & More Attorneys Eindhoven
Marconilaan 13, 5612 HM Eindhoven, Netherlands

Law & More Attorneys Amsterdam
Pietersbergweg 291, 1105 BM Amsterdam, Netherlands

Law & More Attorneys Eindhoven
Marconilaan 13, 5612 HM Eindhoven, Netherlands

Law & More Attorneys Amsterdam
Pietersbergweg 291, 1105 BM Amsterdam, Netherlands

Do you want to know what Law & More can do for you as a law firm in Eindhoven and Amsterdam?
Then contact us by phone +31 40 369 06 80 or send an e-mail to:
mr. Tom Meevis, advocate at Law & More –

Law & More