Checked Clear.

Checked Personal and easily accessible.

Checked Your interests first.

Easily accessible

Easily accessible

Law & More is available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 22:00 and on weekends from 09:00 to 17:00

Good and fast communication

Good and fast communication

Our lawyers listen to your case and come up with an appropriate plan of action
Personal approach

Personal approach

Our working method ensures that 100% of our clients recommend us and that we are rated on average with a 9.4


Together with Law & More you will get to the core of the disputeQuick Menu

1. What is mediation?

If you have a dispute with someone, you want the dispute to be solved as soon as possible. Often a dispute causes emotions to run high, with the result that both parties do not see a solution anymore. Mediation can change that. Mediation is the joint resolution of a dispute with the aid of a neutral conflict mediator: the mediator. There are some important basic principles for mediation: voluntariness and confidentiality. Both parties sit around the table voluntarily and have a pro-active attitude. In addition, both parties undertake to maintain confidentiality. This also applies to the mediator. The mediator guides all conversations, monitors the process and helps you search for a suitable solution.

Tom Meevis image

Tom Meevis


“Law & More lawyers
are involved and can empathize
with the client’s problem”

2. Why mediation?

Mediation has many advantages. There are more creative solutions possible during mediation than during a legal procedure. Often a joint solution can be reached that satisfies all parties involved.

The Law & More mediators do not take position and do not take any decisions. You will do this yourself. You will actively participate and eventually you will determine the result. Our mediators will guide and support you in doing so. An important advantage thereof is that both parties stay in power of the solution and your relationship will not be damaged unnecessary. This is certainly essential in case you both have children together because you will have to interact and communicate with each other after the divorce.

What clients say about us

Our Mediation lawyers are ready to assist you:

Office Law & More

Mediation3. When mediation?

Mediation is useful for almost all conflicts and disputes, for personal as well as corporate.

You can for example think of:

  • Divorces
  • Contact arrangements
  • Family matters
  • Cooperation problems
  • Labour disputes
  • Business disputes – nl

4. Why Law & More?

  • You are guaranteed of quality, both in the legal field as during the mediation session(s).
  • Together with your Law & More mediator you will discuss all aspects and the background story of the dispute firstly. After that you will talk about mutual suggestions to get to a solution.
  • Your Law & More mediator guides the consultation, guarantees legal and emotional assistance and takes account of the interests of both parties during consultation.
  • During the entire mediation process attention will be paid to your story, emotions and interests.
  • At the end of the mediation process your Law & More mediator will make sure that all agreements that have been made between you and the other party will be laid down carefully in a written settlement agreement.

Law & More Attorneys Eindhoven
Marconilaan 13, 5612 HM Eindhoven, Netherlands

Law & More Attorneys Amsterdam
Pietersbergweg 291, 1105 BM Amsterdam, Netherlands

Do you want to know what Law & More can do for you as a law firm in Eindhoven and Amsterdam?
Then contact us by phone +31 40 369 06 80 or send an e-mail to:
mr. Tom Meevis, advocate at Law & More –

Law & More